
Areas of Study




Acquisition of Early Number Concepts

Our second major research interest is to understand the developmental trajectory for acquiring early and foundational number concepts in children who are exposed to sign...


American Girl Consultant for American Girl鈥檚 2020 Girl of the Year

Since 2016, Dr. Pajka has worked with American Girl on a possible book series that included a deaf character. By 2019, the series was determined...


Analysis of Eye Gazes and Attention Management in a Preschool Class

A new paradigm states that the issue of sustained attention observed among young deaf students is due to limited exposure to language. This study attempts...


Apophenoesis & the Origins of Creativity: Virtual Pattern Recognition, Error, Paths to Consciousness & Augmenting the Evolution of Self

This research defines apophenoesis as a convergent practical tool that can enhance one's creative process by introducing deviations from the familiar in such a way...


Arithmetic Processing and Language Modality

The lab has also been the home for an exciting new project investigating the language and social-communicative neural networks in individuals who are DeafBlind and...


ASL Adaptation of Self-Report Balance Measures

This project is funded by the Candian Hearing Services - Global Partnerships Research grant.  To participate, please visit ASL Adaptation of Balance and Fall Risks Self-Report...


ASL Music Videos: Audience, Aesthetics, and Culture

Music videos that incorporate American Sign Language (ASL) in the performance reach viral status when uploaded into social media platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. The...


ASL Translation of the VCI from WISC-V

Psychological testing is often problematic for deaf people. Many psychologists avoid exploring language-based reasoning in this population given numerous validity concerns and a general lack...


Assessing the Assessment: Reliability and Fairness in the Teacher Work Sample

This study will present the results of a reliability and fairness evaluation of the Teacher Work Sample (TWS), a performance assessment for preservice teachers, used...

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